For our craft, each kiddo got to decorate an orange paper plate. Armed with a glue-stick and a variety of leaves, stems, mouths, noses and eyes, each of our little Picassos was free to create whatever they were inspired to, outside on the cool Autumn day.
Lunch was a huge success! Could have been because of the name of the sandwiches I brought along to eat? I called them "Ants in the Mud"! The kids all loved to "eeww" and giggle about that! It was really golden raisins between 2 multi-grain rounds, held together with Nutella and peanut butter. Some of the kids were so ready for lunch, they helped themselves when nobody was looking! It really had us laughing at their ingenuity, and also a little proud that they had all sat down nicely at a table in the dining area to enjoy their lunch "al fresco"!
For story time we were going to read "Pumpkin Hill" and "Hooray For Fall" but, my audience went rogue! A few of the kids chose to sit on the couch instead, reading to themselves, while the others "baked" in the play kitchen.